How does therapy work? Therapy helps identify the underlying causes of your problems, and gives you effective ways of addressing them. It gives you the opportunity to understand why you feels the way you do, and how to make changes that will assist you in both feeling better and being more functional.


What does therapy address? Therapy addresses all other issues related to your issue, such as causes, emotions, behaviors, impact of relationships (past and current), and your personality style.


How long will I attend therapy? Some patients respond after only a few sessions, others need a little longer. Your therapist will be able to discuss with you the number of visits needed




Do I have to tell my therapist everything? You do not need to tell your therapist everything, you only need to talk about what you are comfortable talking about.


What if I feel uncomfortable talking about my problems with a stranger? The therapist understands your discomfort, and will help you feel at ease.


Are the things I talk about held in confidence? Absolutely, therapists are required to maintain confidentiality based on HIPPA regulations.


What if I don’t like my therapist? It’s okay to be honest, and request a different therapist. Your physician, or the practice manager can help make that change confidentially.




Why aren’t medications enough? Medications only address biochemical issues of your problem, and provide symptomatic relief. Therapy will help you understand the causes of your issue, and help you develop coping skills that aide in recurrence prevention.


How will I feel better, faster? The combination of medication and therapy will help you feel better, faster. Research studies indicate that the fastest, and best patient outcomes are achieved through the combination of medication and therapy.


What outcomes should I expect from therapy? You should expect to be able to successfully manage your symptoms, improve your ability to function, improve your relationships, and have an improved sense of well being.


Does my insurance cover therapy? All major insurance companies offer mental health benefits.




What is CBT? CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is a form of psychotherapy in which the therapist and the client work together as a team to identify and solve various exaggerations or distortions in thinking caused by a mood state.


What is DBT? DBT stands for Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. It is a combination of individual therapy, and DBT skills training. It combines standard cognitive-behavioral techniques for emotional regulations. It also addresses reality testing with concepts of distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindful awareness. It is largely derived from Buddhist meditative practices, and the Eastern philosophy of mindfulness. It is designed to help emotion regulation difficulties.


What is EMDR? EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a therapy used to reduce the effects of traumas. EMDR uses a therapeutic approach that helps you to be less sensitive to trauma triggers and it successfully lowers your response to memories or flashbacks related to traumas


What are life groups? We offer a weekly DBT group that teaches specific life skills, and it also provides an opportunity to talk to others, who are experiencing a similar problem. It offers support and encouragement.




Our therapists are available to speak with you if you have any more questions. Simply call the office, and there will be a prompt offering their extensions where you reach their voicemail, and they will return your call.

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